About Us
Ashtal is the brand name for a leafy and non-leafy vegetables that can be consumed without the need
of washing it, as Ashtal’s products are sterilized using the Ozone sterilization system to guarantee it’s
100% freshness following the regulations of public safety to maintain the product’s top quality and your well-being.
You will realize the difference when consuming Ashtal’s products and you will recognize the meaning of exceptional quality.
Ashtal’s Chopped Leaves

Mixed green lettuce Chopped, Sterilized & ready to eat
Green Oak Leaf lettuce, Butterhead lettuce, Iceberg lettuce, Romaine green lettuce
100g – 200g

Chopped Iceberg lettuce,
Sterilized & ready to eat
200g – 500g – 1000g

Chopped Romaine lettuce,
Sterilized & ready to eat
100g – 200g

Chopped Butterhead lettuce,
Sterilized & ready to eat
100g – 200g

Mixed lettuce 5 kinds Chopped, Sterilized & ready to eat
Green Romaine lettuce, Red Romaine lettuce, Red Oak Leaf lettuce,
Green Oak Leaf lettuce, Lollo Rossa
100g – 200g

Chopped Red Oak Leaf lettuce, Sterilized & ready to eat
100g – 200g

Mixed red lettuce Chopped,
Sterilized & ready to eat
Red Oak Leaf lettuce, Lollo Rossa lettuce, Batavia lettuce
100g – 200g

Chopped Green Oak Leaf lettuce, Sterilized & ready to eat
100g – 200g

Italian rocca and Radicchio Chopped, Sterilized & ready to eat
100g – 200g

Chopped Cabbage,
Sterilized & ready to eat
200g – 1000g

Chopped Red cabbage + Iceberg lettuce Sterilized & ready to eat
100g – 200g

Mixed lettuce 6 kinds Chopped, Sterilized & ready to eat
Green Romaine lettuce, Red Romaine lettuce, Red Oak Leaf lettuce, Green Oak Leaf lettuce, Lollo Rossa, Butterhead lettuce
Ashtal’s Non-Chopped Leaves

Large rocca
Sterilized & ready to eat

Baby rocca
Sterilized & ready to eat

Lollo Rossa lettuce
Sterilized & ready to eat
100g – 200g

Romaine lettuce
Sterilized & ready to eat
200g – 500g – 1000g

Sterilized & ready to eat

Sterilized & ready to eat

Baby spinach
Sterilized & ready to eat
100g – 1000g

Italian rocca
Sterilized & ready to eat

Sterilized & ready to eatt

Sterilized & ready to eat

Sterilized & ready to eat
Ashtal’s Non-Leaves Products

Chopped Carrots
Sterilized & ready to eat

Baby carrots
Sterilized & ready to eat

Large radish
Sterilized & ready to eat

Baby radish
Sterilized & ready to eat

Chopped Carrots + Cabbage
Sterilized & ready to eat
Where to find us

Production Process
The process of planting a variety of saplings, harvesting, preparing,
and delivering them to you takes 24 hours only, ensuring a 100%
fresh product delivery

Ashtal’s Products is planted in our own farms with our commintment of assuring top quality products that you deserve.

Ashtal’s Products are watered with the most advanced irrigation technology to guarantee they are free of any chemical residues or insecticides.

Products are then harvested by specialists and transported using equipped vehicles to our factories fresh.

Chopping, Washing, and Sterilizing with Ozone
As soon as it arrives to the factory, with the use of latest equipment instead of working hands, we chop, wash, and sterilize them thoroughly, killing any germs and bacteria.

We then package the products carefully, ensuring their sustained freshness and cleanliness.

Ashtal’s products reach your dining tables as delicious and nutritious ready-to-eat vegetables.
Contact Us
Whether you’re looking for answers about our products, would like to talk to the management , or just want to let us know how we did , please contact us on one of the below emails.
P. O. Box 942247 Amman 11194 Jordan
Tel : +962 – 6 – 4026868
Fax. +962 – 6 – 4026869
Mob: +962 – 770401405